Thursday, October 30, 2014

GTA V Online Serial Killer

With Halloween being tomorrow, I thought it would be great for some related gaming humor.

If you start hearing a little kid singing disturbing renditions of nursery songs in your Grand Theft Auto Online sessions, you better start running.

Someone who goes by the name of MrKreepyKoala has spent the last few months appearing in the multiplayer version of Los Santos and tormenting other would-be criminals by stalking and killing them. Even when his victims know what he's doing—like becoming intangible by going into Passive Mode—he still manages to freak them all the way out.

This is pure gold. Trolling at its finest lol

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Playstation 4 Share Play Walkthrough

The PS4 system software update v2.00 will be available to download on Tuesday, October 28th. One of the features included in the update is Share Play. Here is a brief walkthrough video to help you better understand what Share Play is and what makes it so great and game changing.

  • Share Screen — Share your screen with a friend, allowing them to spectate. This is ideal for PS4 owners that want to watch their friends play a game and provide helpful tips. PlayStation Plus is not required to use this.
  • Hand over my controller — Pass your controller to a friend, virtually, and watch them play. Your friend does not need to own, or even download the game, in order to use this feature. This is perfect for introducing your friends to new games. The host will need to be a PlayStation Plus member, but the guest does not.
  • Hand over the second player controller — If a game supports local multiplayer, you can have your friend join as player two. Again, the visitor does not need to own, or download the game in order to use this feature. Both players will need PlayStation Plus to use this feature.